Monday, October 12, 2009

Obama's Afghanistan Dilemma

Obama's Afghanistan dilemma
by Caitlin Canavati - Sunday, 4 October 2009, 11:17 AM
Anyone on this site

The U.S. President Barack Obama is facing a big dilemma right now over the strategy planned for Afghanistan. While he was running for president, Obama called the fight against Afghanistan a "war of necessity" and that the our invasion into Iraq was a diversion and we needed to withdrawl. The president has already sent 20,000 more troops to Afghanistan and now the general there is saying there is a possibility of failure and that he wants an additional 40,000 sent to him. One of the reasons for this dilemma is the American's support slipping away. Polls show that 58% of the public oppose this war, making it harder for the president to make a decision, yet he campaigned to win this war in Afghanistan and the Rebublicans are reminding him of that.

In my opinion, Obama is right about the war in Iraq being a diversion. I agree with him that we need to withdraw from Iraq and take care of things in Afghanistan. The taliban was responsible for the terrorist attack on 9/11 and we need to finish the job there. Obama promised not to lose there so i think he needs to follow up with that promise and win. i think if the general needs more troops then the troops in Iraq should go to Afghanistan and help fight and not send in 40,000 more.

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