Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ACORN chief says videos 'made my stomach turn'
by Caitlin Canavati - Wednesday, 8 October 2009, 07:48 PM
Anyone on this site

ACORN is the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. it is an orginization to help low income families. in this article, Bertha Lewis, the chief executive officer, defends the group at a national press club. the orginization had been making tapes about how to start a prostitution business with foreign girls. She said the videos made her stomach churn, and that they were handling the situation correctly by firing the people in the video. She also thinks the group is being targeted because of it's voter registration efforts.

In my opinion, this is something that should not take place under any circumstances with a group such as this. An organization that handles such important problems shouldn't be involved with scandals such as these. Advising the production of illegal businesses should be the farthest away from this, but i am glad that Lewis took was smart and fired them. Having people in that kind of organization would be a decreasing factor. Hopefully Lewis can steer this group back onto the right track and clear up this mess.

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