Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Churches, groups worry about members missing in Haiti

Churches, groups worry about members missing in Haiti
by Caitlin Canavati - Monday, 18 January 2010, 05:20 PM
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Since the tuesdays earthquake in haiti took place, some Americans that were there have not been heard from. however, good reports are coming in and family members remain optimistic. an estimated 45,000 americans are in Haiti, and because of the communication breakdown its been hard to get in touch with many of them. a 15 person church group from New Jersey turned up after they had been missing for about 18 hours. also, two other americans were rescued from the rubble of their mission house. even though this is good news, there are still missing people such as another group from new jersey who were anticipated to arrive home 3 hours prior to the earthquake. family members are staying hopeful.

this is such a tragedy for this to happen in Haiti of all places, being a country that was already struggling. it will take a very long time for them to recover and they need all the help they can get. having so many americans there and some missing it would make sense that the U.S. would jump right in and help. i hope other countries are doing what they can to help Haiti out and hopefully the people who are missing can be located and family members can have some piece of mind.

Communication breakdown increases heartache of Haiti quake

Communication breakdown increases heartache of Haiti quake
by Caitlin Canavati - Thursday, 14 January 2010, 04:52 PM
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The communication breakdown between Haiti and the outside world is causing worldwide panic. those who have loved ones in Haiti want to know if they are okay and survived the earthquake, but the people in Haiti who are alive and well cannot make connections to people to let them know this. limited numbers of phone calls are getting through and people are resorted to text messages and other online communications. Tens of thousands of other people are using CNN to post pictures and information of loved ones who they are trying to find in Haiti, and asking help from anyone who can give them information about them.

This would be such an aweful thing to have to go through. my heart goes out to anyone who is hoping to hear from a lost loved one and is experiencing this panic. Communication is a huge factor in a catastrophy such as this and i agree with olivia when she says there should be a blog or report show with lists of names who have been located so that people can track their loved ones.


30 Injured in Hong Kong acid attack

30 injured in Hong Kong acid attack
by Caitlin Canavati - Sunday, 10 January 2010, 04:21 PM
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On Saturday night, there was an acid attack in Hong Kong at a local tourist site, and 30 people were injured. Police say they have a man they believe is in connection with the attack. the police explain that at a popular tourist market there were two bottles of acid thrown at the people in the streets, including children. the man they caught was found on a rooftop in possesion of two bottles the police believe could be linked to the attack. the man is said to be in his 30's and police do not know if they can pin him to other attacks because there have been about 4 other acid attack that have occured. most of which took place in busy shopping centers near the location of saturdays attack, usually involving someone throwing bottles off a rooftop on shoppers below.

This story is pretty disturbing. i dont know what kind of a person would just go up on a roof and throw acid on tourists. hopefully the police are able to link him to the other attacks so they know they caught the guy who is doing it, and if not then they will know that they need to be looking for other suspects who could do it again.


"Avatar" No. 1 again, surpasses $1 billion

'Avatar' No. 1 again, surpasses $1 billion
by Caitlin Canavati - Tuesday, 5 January 2010, 04:10 PM
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It looks like "Avatar" has met the standards it was expected to meet! in only 17 days this movie has surpassed a total of $1 billion in the global box office! over just the new years weekend it collected 63.8 million alone and a huge amount of 352.1 million over christmas weekend. also, 66.4 million of that grand total came from the imax theaters will is a record for the company. the movies placing behind avatar were sherlock holmes who made a total of $140 million, Alvin and the Chipmunks made a total of $157 million, its complicated made only $59.1 million, the blind side had $209.1 million, up in the air had $45 million, and the princess and the frog racked in $25.6 million total. these very good turnouts compared to last year with the box office up 70% this year.

i am not surprised at all that Avatar has managed to make this much already. i saw the movie and thought it was incredible. i wanted to go again when i got out of the theater. with the movie costing 300 million to make as it was probably a relief to be making it all back and then all of the rest of it! i would definitely see it again and im sure others will too so it will be excited to see the total result of this film!


U.S. shivers as temps head lower

U.S. shivers as temps head lower
by Caitlin Canavati - Monday, 4 January 2010, 12:39 AM
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It looks like record breaking temps for the south! currently, temps are lowering and in places such as Alabama, northern florida, louisiana and Mississippi will see them go down to as low at the teens and 20's. temps could possibly get even colder which will come close to the standing records temps in these areas. some locations could see drops as much as 30 to 40 degrees, and in North Carolina it got all the way to 14 degrees breaking the record low of 18 degrees which was set in 1979. Typical temperatures for the north were recorded as minus seven in minnesota this week. However, Florida has been monitoring crops because if the temps get below 28 degrees it could cause serious damage. there is also concern for residents worrying that they take proper precautions to stay warm and heat their homes correctly. homeless people were also looking for shelter due the sudden frosty temps.

This is quite a shocking story to hear, however i have many relatives who call up alot to chat. they usually ask about the weather and how cold its getting, but recently they have been talking about how chilly it is down there and my aunt was saying how there was snow accumulation at one point. this is very unusual and i am very glad i did not take a trip down there to escape the cold and realize i was still in it!


Fox says "Avatar" is costliest film it's ever made

Fox says 'Avatar' is costliest film it's ever made
by Caitlin Canavati - Monday, 7 December 2009, 10:40 PM
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Fox news has announced that Avatar, the new sci-fi movie that has come out has been their most expensive movie ever made, adding up to 300 million dollars to create. they company says it was money well spent and also say that the movie could even exceed the current most expensive movie ever made which is pirates of the carribean: at worlds end. the movie was extremely popular and is even available to watch in 3-D. the director, james cameron, had the idea in his head for over a decade.

i think this movie was definitely worth the money that went into producing it. i personally saw the movie and thought it was absolutely amazing with the special effects and couldnt imagine what it would be like in 3-D. the story line was also good so put it all together and it was a very successful movie. Cameron spent alot of time thinking of the idea and i think that the movie will make well over what was spent to make it and this will be a movie to remember.


Jobs and Welfar Issue #2-Boosing the Minimum

Jobs and Welfare Issue #2-Boosting the Minimum
by Caitlin Canavati - Tuesday, 15 December 2009, 12:00 AM
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After fighting for highter minimum wage, recently it was raised to $7.25 from $5.15. This increase would bring many Americans who are living off salaries that are minimum wage to above the poverty line with the help of food stamps and Earned Income Tax Credit. In 2007, president Bush signed a large Iraq war funding bill which gave $4.8 billion of tax cuts to small businesses. However, minimum wage battles continue. It is morally unfair that full time workers who are making the minimum wage are living below the poverty line. Raising minimum wage is believed to greatly help out americans especially single mothers who struggle and have a hard time getting above the poverty line. If people made more money, they would have more money to spend, hence a boost in the economy and it will outweigh the negative effects of businesses raising prices to cover increased wages. also, the topic of tax cuts comes into play because they say that tax cuts should not have been tied into the new minimum wage because businesses have recieved such generous tax cuts already. Fighting back on the rise of minimum wage, it is suggested a poor idea because it is a weak weapon to fight poverty because its such a low number of the workforce being affected, and almost half of the people making minimum wage are teens, and not full time workers in poverty. Opponants also say that the raise of costs of doing business with lead to more job cuts and higher prices. the opponants also argue a more plausable solution to helping povery which is expanding the EITC that rewards workers with low income without interfering with the market.

In my opinion, i support the raise of minimum wage. i am one of those working teens who would like to get paid more than 5 bucks an hour for my labor. i also work for a small business, Dairy Queen North, which is privately owned, so i am also in support of small business tax cuts. from this job, i was able to see first had what its like to live completely off that income of a small business, and it's a difficult lifestyle, especially with the economy as it is right now. though it is correct that most people getting minimum wage are teens, many teens are responsible for paying for alot of the things they need. parents support may only go so far and they need money, especially when they are also in school and not working full time. with rising prices, it becomes hard to keep up with such a low income, therefore a rise in wage seems neccessary. George Bush also supported and agreed with raising minimum wage in an article titled "Bush Supports Rise In Minimum Wage + Tax Help"

Joes blog discusses issue #1- All Things Being Unequal

Jons blog discusses issue #3-Putting Welfare to Work

"Blind Side" No. 1 at box office

'Blind Side' No. 1 at box office
by Caitlin Canavati - Sunday, 6 December 2009, 11:11 PM
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Sandra Bullocks career at a high right now as her new movie the Blindside rose to the #1 spot at coming in second to New Moon. it recieved an A+ rating from cinemascore moviegoers, and critics say it should have no problem beating the proprosal's 164 million it made because the Blindside is already at 129.3 million and rising. this weekend the movie brought in 20.4 million which is where is passing New moon, who only brought in 15.7, but brought in a worldwide total of 570.1 million.

I recently saw the blindside and think that the reviews on it are very correct. this was a very touching and inspirational movie with a message. i would agree that Bullocks performance was phenomenal and deserves praise. this is a great movie to see with the family and i am not surprised its right up there with new moon.


Couple didn't crash White House dinner, husband says

Couple didn't crash White House dinner, husband says
by Caitlin Canavati - Tuesday, 1 December 2009, 10:53 PM

The Salahi couple has made headlines! this is a couple that successfully attended a white house party without being on the guestlist. unfortunately for them, this is bad news because they are being accused of crashing the white house party and are now paying many consequences. however, they completely deny that fact that they came univited. the president as well as secret service are worried about the security there and wonder how this could have happened. they have been investigated the salahis who had to cancel their appearance on the today show due to reports and investigations. mr. salahi states that the truth will come out soon enough.

i think that these people had to have crashed this party, and they are crazy for giving any other explanation. they were not on the guest list, and were not invited and were told they could not come, but decided to come anyways. i believe the security looks extremely faulty at this point and something such as this should never have been able to happen. something needs to be done to make sure that it doesnt happen again, because next time it could be a dangerous scenario.
