Tuesday, January 19, 2010

30 Injured in Hong Kong acid attack

30 injured in Hong Kong acid attack
by Caitlin Canavati - Sunday, 10 January 2010, 04:21 PM
Anyone on this site

On Saturday night, there was an acid attack in Hong Kong at a local tourist site, and 30 people were injured. Police say they have a man they believe is in connection with the attack. the police explain that at a popular tourist market there were two bottles of acid thrown at the people in the streets, including children. the man they caught was found on a rooftop in possesion of two bottles the police believe could be linked to the attack. the man is said to be in his 30's and police do not know if they can pin him to other attacks because there have been about 4 other acid attack that have occured. most of which took place in busy shopping centers near the location of saturdays attack, usually involving someone throwing bottles off a rooftop on shoppers below.

This story is pretty disturbing. i dont know what kind of a person would just go up on a roof and throw acid on tourists. hopefully the police are able to link him to the other attacks so they know they caught the guy who is doing it, and if not then they will know that they need to be looking for other suspects who could do it again.


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